Church of the Long Run: Away Day - London

Church of the Long Run: Away Day - London

The Tracksmith London Community head to North-East Kent for a point to point Away Day Church of the Long Run. Herne Bay to Margate, followed by lunch at Buoy and Oyster. For those travelling from London, there’s a direct train leaving from London St Pancras International (platform 13) at 8:20am that arrives at Herne Bay at 9:42 am.


- The community team will meet close to the platform at St Pancras from 7:45am (details will be shared in the community chat/event discussion)
- Meeting at Herne Bay Railway Station? Please arrive by 10am outside the station
- The run departs at 10:15am
- There is no bag drop, please come ready with everything you need on the day.
- The 20km/12.5mile route will include a halfway pit stop
- Pace groups: 4:30/km, 5:00/km, 5:30/km, 6:00/km, 6:30/km and 7:00/km
- Dogs are more than welcome
- The run will finish at Margate, for a well earned fish, chips and oysters at Buoy & Oyster Restaurant.
- Road shoes are preferred

The route will be published on our Strava Event page. We are asking all runners joining us for the first time to fill out this run club waiver before arriving.